10.The local people started a campaign to force the government to ______roads properly.
. remain
【单选题】 The farmer said all their hopes _____ the support of the local government.
①  decided on
②  rested on
③  based on
④  founded on
【单选题】 The people had to ( ) a campaign to combat hatred against colored races.
①  launch
②  set
③  settle
④  lash
【单选题】 10.The play is based on ______event in history.
①  real
②  genuine
③  false
④  precise
【单选题】 After the flood the first thing the local government did was to provide ( )for the homeless families.
①  accommodate
②  accommodator
③  accommodation
④  accommodative
【单选题】 The government would be unwise to ( ) the complaints of its people.
①  overlook
②  ignore
③  neglect
④  disrespect
【单选题】 Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep _____.(
①  fitly
②  fitting
③  fit
④  fiitted
【单选题】 With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.
①  survived
②  suspended
③  suffered
④  suspected
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 Most people came to realize that it was about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 Take ____ easy. The roads are icy.
①  it
②  them
③  us
④  you
【单选题】 心理健康水平的等级:根据中外心理健康教育专家的研究,可将人的心理健康水平大致分为( )个等级。
【单选题】 现实疗法的创立者是美国的( )
①  威廉格拉塞
②  布伦塔诺
③  罗杰斯
【单选题】 来访者中心疗法由美国著名心理学家( )创立
①  罗杰斯
②  胡塞尔
③  布伦塔诺
【单选题】 ( )是独具中国特色的心理学,它认为只有从人的本质属性,即从人性出发才能正确地阐明人的心理活动、心理结构、心理动力、个性及其发展、心理病理化、临床心理诊断与矫治等问题。
①  机能主义心理学
②  认知心理学
③  人性主义心理学
【单选题】 行为主义心理学派的时代精神是( )
①  兼容并需
②  开放的理念
③  客观主义潮流
【判断题】 乐观是指个体对自身以及自身所具特征所持的一种积极的态度,不因自身优点而骄傲,也不因自己的缺点而自卑,即能够坦然接受现实中的自己。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 身体状况与主观幸福感,积极的情绪体验也有很大的关联。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Diener认为主观幸福感是评价者根据自定标准对其生活质量的整体性评估,是衡量个人生活质量的重要综合性心理指标口。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 内控者倾向于把行为后果看作是由行为本身决定的
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Andrews和Withey(1976)又提出了主观幸福感的第三个维度:认知维度。
①  正确
②  错误