A police officer claimed he had attempted to _______ paying his fare.
【单选题】 A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
①  avoid
②  reject
③  refuse
④  neglect
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 I should think they have done it ________, to avoid paying you the money.
①  with purpose
②  on purpose
③  in purpose
④  to purpose
【单选题】 He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ____.?
①  repaired ?
②  to repair ?
③  repairing ?
④  repair?
【判断题】 He had his leg break when he slipped on a piece of ice.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3. He had to ______ his past actions when he retired, or he would be punished.
①  consider
②  account for
③  think
④  popular
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 You had better avoid ___________ in a bus.
①  read
②  reads
③  to read
④  reading
【判断题】 用人单位招用尚未解除劳动合同的劳动者,对原用人单位造成经济损失的,应先由劳动者赔偿,不足部分由用人单位承担。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 劳动合同可以约定违约金,违约方应当按照合同向守约方支付违约金。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 按照劳动合同期限的不同,劳动合同可分为( )
①  有固定期限的劳动合同
②  无固定期限的劳动合同
③  长期劳动合同
④  以完成一定工作为期限的劳动合同
【多选题】 劳动合同的无效可以通过以下何种方式来确认( )
①  由合同双方当事人确认
②  由人民法院确认
③  由劳动争议仲裁委员会确认
④  由劳动行政主管部门确认
【多选题】 下列情况中,用人单位可以不支付劳动者经济补偿金的有( )
①  劳动者在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件而由用人单位解除劳动合同的
②  劳动合同因双方协商一致由用人单位提出解除的
③  合同期满或者当事人约定的劳动合同终止条件出现,劳动合同终止的
④  劳动者严重违反劳动纪律或者用人单位规章制度,被用人单位解除劳动合同的
【单选题】 ( )是雇员与雇主确定劳动关系、明确双方权利义务的协议
①  劳动合同
②  雇用规则
③  司法解释
④  集体合同
【单选题】 连续订立( )次固定期限劳动合同,续订劳动合同的,如果劳动者提出订立无固定期限的劳动合同,应当订立无固定期限的劳动合同。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 劳动合同可以约定试用期,试用期最长不得超过( )
①  3个月
②  6个月
③  9个月
④  1年
【单选题】 集体合同签订后应当报送劳动行政部门,劳动行政部门自接到集体合同文本之日起( )日内未提出异议的,集体合同即行生效
①  7
②  10
③  15
④  30
【单选题】 《劳动法》规定劳动合同的生效时间是( )
①  双方当事人签字后经劳动行政部门备案之日
②  依法订立之时
③  劳动合同监证之日
④  自公证之日