林夫人,30岁,口服避孕药后出现轻微恶心、乏力、头晕、食欲不振等,护士制定的护理计划中,下列正确的是( )
立即停药,并口服维生素B6 缓解症状
【单选题】 服用口服避孕药的妇女,出现以下哪种情况应该停药( )
①  闭经
②  类早孕反应
③  体重增加
④  突破性出血
⑤  月经量减少
【判断题】 女用短效口服避孕药的副反应,服药期间的阴道流血,多因漏服药引起
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 某女士,口服避孕药物进行避孕已2年,因工作忙,当晚漏服,询问指导,应告知补服时间为
①  3小时内
②  6小时内
③  9小时内
④  12小时内
【单选题】 长期使用长效避孕药的女性,若准备怀孕,必须在停药()。
①  1个月后
②  6个月后
③  3个月后
④  24个月后
⑤  12个月后
【单选题】 妇女不宜服用避孕药的情况是( )
①  月经过多
②  阴道炎
③  血栓性静脉炎
④  附件炎
⑤  宫颈糜烂
【单选题】 有关使用避孕药的注意事项的描述,下列不妥的是( )
①  乳房有肿块者忌服
②  针剂应深部肌肉注射
③  肾炎病人忌服
④  防止避孕药片潮解,影响效果
⑤  哺乳期妇女适宜服避孕药
【判断题】 口服第一片短效口服避孕药片的时间是月经来潮的第5日
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 商品名称为“毓婷”,为女性紧急避孕药的是( )。
①  复方炔诺酮
②  左炔诺孕酮炔雌醚片
③  复方甲地孕酮注射液
④  左炔诺孕酮
【单选题】 女性,28岁,已婚。因消瘦、乏力、多食、心悸三个月就诊。近2年应用口服避孕药。当临床及实验室检查确诊为Graves病后,该患者应选择的治疗是
①  丙基硫氧嘧啶治疗
②  他巴唑治疗
③  丙基硫氧嘧啶治疗+心得安治疗
④  过氯酸钾治疗
⑤  碳酸钾治疗
【单选题】 哺乳期妇女咨询避孕方法,其首选是
①  宫内节育器
②  阴茎套
③  口服长效避孕药
④  口服短期避孕药
【单选题】 George is so ____ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.
①  involved
②  concentrated
③  devoted
④  concerned
【单选题】 Every one was ____that day.
①  in great spirit
②  in all spirit
③  in high a spirit
④  in high spirit
【单选题】 23. The singer and dancer ____ our evening party.
①  is to attend
②  was attend
③  were to attend
④  are attend
【单选题】 The policeman needs to see____ your ID card or your drivers license.
①  every
②  each
③  either
④  both
【单选题】 His____ to carry out the plan was weakened by the difficulties he met with.
①  determination
②  decision
③  choice
④  judgment
【单选题】 The textbook is for the ____ students, not for the beginners.
①  foreign
②  blind
③  advanced
④  deaf
【单选题】 “By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular____ children as Coca-Cola.”
①  in
②  with
③  for
④  to
【单选题】 We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but____ ones were reasonable priced.
①  other
②  others
③  the other
④  another
【单选题】 Nobody is ______, so try not to worry too much about that.
①  full
②  entire
③  perfect
④  complete
【单选题】 Tom: It’s the most delicious fruit I have had a long time.
①  I’m so glad you like it.
②  You are not hungry now.
③  I like eating this fruit, too.
④  You should like it.