Among the outstanding inventions of modern times, television___________ must be included.
【单选题】 The license must be clearly __________ in the car windscreen.
①  spread
②  displayed
③  exposed
④  located
【单选题】 The trees must ________ three times a week.
①  water
②  watering
③  be watered
④  waters
【单选题】 Computer classes must be __________ to every student of all grades, which will make them have a good command of the modern communication and learning tool.
①  accessible
②  avoidable
③  valuable
④  acceptable
【单选题】 Obviously, the Chairman’s remarks at the conference were _____ and not planned.
①  substantial
②  spontaneous
③  simultaneous
④  synthetic
【单选题】 Even as _____, he made several wonderful inventions.
①  a stock
②  a representative
③  undergraduate
④  a gulf
【单选题】 For a successful business, friendly and __________ staff are essential.
①  sufficient
②  effective
③  efficient
④  respective
【单选题】 Our English teacher was standing ___ us so that she could hear us all clearly.
①  away from
②  far behind
③  between?
④  among
【单选题】 22._____in a friendly way, their quarrel came to end.
①  Beingsettled
②  Settled
③  Havingsettled
④  Settling
【单选题】 Television is a remarkable_________ !
①  discussion
②  suggestion
③  invention
④  declaration
【单选题】 A set of ( ) of the product is included in the package for you to try first.
①  sampler
②  example
③  sample
④  sampling
【单选题】 审计人员对某企业长期股权投资进行审计时,发现年度中该企业对股票投资的处理方式由成本法改为权益法,以下理由中正当的是( )。
①  该企业在被投资企业的持股比例发生了变化
②  采用权益法更能体现企业对投资管理的重视
③  企业预计被投资企业年内将发生亏损,出于稳健性原则而对会计政策进行了调整
④  采用成本法不利于及时了解被投资企业的经营情况
【单选题】 为测试银行存款截止期的正确性,应审查银行存款收付业务的期间是( )。
①  决算日当天
②  整个审计期间
③  决算日后任意一天
④  决算日前后数天
【单选题】 审计人员对现金流量表审查时,使用金额验证法利用公式计算来验证“销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金”项目中不包括的内容是( )。
①  当期预付的账款
②  本期收到前期的应收账款和应收票据
③  本期销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金
④  当期收回前期核销的坏账损失
【判断题】 室内排水管道的安装应遵守先地下后地上,俗称先零下后零上的原则。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 凡水平敷设的供汽和凝结水管道,必须具有足够的坡度,并尽可能保持汽、水同向流动。散热器支管的坡度推荐为() 。
①  0.04 ~ 0.05
②  0.005
③  0.002 ~ 0.003
④  0.03
⑤  0.01 ~ 0.02
【单选题】 除风门、风窗属于通风设施外,()也属于通风设施。
①  风管
②  密闭?
【单选题】 风管大小头的扩张角应在(?)之间。?
①  45°~60°
②  25°~35°
③  15°~25°
④  35°~45°
【单选题】 体触电时,皮肤与带电体的接触面积越大,人体电阻越()。
【单选题】 水流指示器、喷头、喷淋给水管属于()。
①  通风系统
②  给排水系统
③  自动喷水灭火系统
【单选题】 当排水出户管与污水引入管布置在同一处进出建筑物时,给水引入管与排出管管外壁的水平距离不得小于()。?
①  1.5mm
②  1.0mm
③  2.0mm??
④  0.5mm