【判断题】 两片8259A级联后可管理15级中断。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 两片8259A级联后可管理( )级中断。
①  15
②  16
③  32
④  6
【判断题】 两片8259A接成级联缓冲方式可管理16个可屏蔽中断。(?)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 两片8259A接成级联缓冲方式可管理(???)个可屏蔽中断。
①  2
②  15
③  16
④  256
【单选题】 两片8259A采用主从级联方式,最多能接受级中断。
①  8
②  9
③  15
④  16
【单选题】 两片8259A构成级联方式的中断控制器,可连()中断源。
①  8
②  16
③  15
④  24
【简答题】 1片8259A中断控制器可管理[填空1]级中断,用9片8259A可构成[填空2]级主从式中断管理系统。
【单选题】 采用两只中断的控制器8259A级联后,CPU的可屏蔽硬中断源能扩大到()。
①  64个
②  32个
③  16个
④  15个
【单选题】 8259A最多可管理( )级优先权的中断源。
①  64
②  128
③  8
④  16
【判断题】 一片可编程中断控制器8259A最多可管理3个可屏蔽中断。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Young people in China now_______to travel often.
①  drive
②  drives
③  drove
【单选题】 _______beautiful city it is!
①  What
②  What a
③  How
【单选题】 I can finish the assignment_______myself.
①  by
②  on
③  with
【单选题】 _______I like most is_______I can have a party after work.
①  That,that
②  What, that
③  What, what
【单选题】 I _______ that singer closely as I was sitting in the front of the bar.
①  saw
②  watched
③  observed
【单选题】 Nobody can remember details about the fire. It _______at least six years ago.
①  took place
②  takes place
③  taking place
【单选题】 It is a building _______workers make many mobilephones.
①  there
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 What’s happened to Jan?_______to hospital.
①  She’s been taken
②  She’ll be taken
③  She’ll take
【单选题】 _______majority of his colleagues are against him now.
①  /
②  A
③  The
【单选题】 I don’t like to stay at home on Sundays. _______.
①  So do I
②  Neither do I
③  So am I