He had acquired a(n)____ command of the English language.
【单选题】 Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word().
①  speak
②  to speak
③  spoke
④  spoken
【单选题】 My command of English is not ____ yours.
①  ashalfas
②  sohalfgoodas
③  goodashalfas
④  goodashalfas
【单选题】 According to the author, in order to have a good command of English one must ____.
①  employ as many learning strategies as possible
②  expect to gain an easier task
③  exert oneself constantly
④  sustain oneself
【单选题】 If he had worked harder, he ___.
①  would succeed
②  had succeeded
③  should succeed
④  would have succeeded
【单选题】 TOEFL is a test for students __________ native language is not English.
①  that
②  of whom
③  whose
④  which
【单选题】 8.____ is a fact that English is beingaccepted as an interesting language.
①  There
②  This
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 23. English has become _____ international language of business.
①  the
②  . a
③  /
④  . one
【多选题】 He was on the top of the mountain,and he had ______ breathing.
①  A.problems
②  B..trouble
③  C.question
④  D.puzzle
【单选题】 Had he worked hard, he _____ the exams.
①  must have got through
②  would have got through
③  would get through
④  could get through
【判断题】 按照新预算法第三十五条第二款规定,全国人大或者人大常委会报国务院批准债务规模,各地在国务院确定的限额内发行地方债。(  )
【判断题】 政府财务报告主要包括政府部门财务报告以及政府综合财务报告。(  )
【判断题】 政府的信用评级和债务风险评定都必须建立在政府综合财务报告制度上。(  )
【单选题】 主管部门编制(  )财务报告,组织编报、收集、审核、合并,数据分析利用。
①  政府部门
②  政府单位
③  政府综合
④  事业单位
【单选题】 事业单位资产负债表和收入费用表的编制包括(  )个步骤。
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【单选题】 一年内到期的非流动资产属于(  )科目。
①  收入类
②  费用类
③  资产类
④  负债类
【单选题】 “应收账款”所属明细科目期末为贷方余额的,应在(  )项目填列。
①  预收账款
②  预付账款
③  应收账款
④  应付账款
【单选题】 一年内到期的非流动负债属于(  )科目。
①  收入类
②  费用类
③  资产类
④  负债类
【单选题】 按照(  )原则,当年发生的资本性支出(包括基本建设支出、其他资本性支出、资本化的债务利息支出)不属于费用,应予以调减,并相应调整净资产。
①  权益化
②  一致化
③  收付实现制
④  权责发生制
【单选题】 期末净资产等于(  )计算的期末净资产总额。
①  期末总资产—期末总负债
②  资产-负债
③  收入-费用
④  资产-费用