【单选题】 下列有利于血红蛋白合成的营养素是
①  红血球
②  血豆腐
【单选题】 有利于非血红素铁吸收的是( )。
①  维生素C
③  草酸
④  膳食纤维
【判断题】 铁是合成血红蛋白的原料,参与体内氧气的运输和利用。维生素C可以促进铁的吸收。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 植酸盐会阻碍非血红素铁的吸收。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 紫绀一般是由于氧合血红蛋白减少,去氧血红蛋白增加造成。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 可引起高铁血红蛋白血症的物质是
①  硫酸盐
②  尿素
③  亚硝酸盐
④  肌酐
【单选题】 下列哪种因素可以促进非血红素铁的吸收?
①  胃酸分泌减少
②  蛋类中存在的卵黄高磷蛋白
③  茶叶中的鞣酸
④  肉、鱼、禽类中含有的肉类因子
【判断题】 血红素铁主要存在于植物性食物中。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 血红蛋白的氧容量主要取决于
①  Pco2
②  2,3-DPG的浓度
③  pH
④  Po2
⑤  Hb浓度
【单选题】 血红蛋白的氧含量主要取决于
①  Pco2
②  2,3-DPG的浓度
③  pH
④  Po2
⑤  Hb浓度
【单选题】 He _____ the old ladywith 10 pounds for bringing back the lost dog
①  rewarded
②  prized
③  gave
④  paid
【单选题】 9.We should really take some effective ______ to prevent such terrible things from happening again.
①  measures
②  steps
③  means
④  ways
【单选题】 11.Andrew was determined to ______ a computer career after graduation.
①  apply
②  shave
③  purse
④  select
【单选题】 At the bus stop _____ a soldier and two young people on their way to North Carolina.
①  were
②  was
③  is
④  waiting
【单选题】 12.Among these articles, which do you think are most ______ to interest our students?
①  competent
②  likely
③  awkward
④  unexpected
【单选题】 2.I couldn’t understand why he pretended ______ in the bookstore.
①  to see me not
②  not to see me
③  not see me
④  to see not me
【单选题】 In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is _____ the costs.
①  worth
②  worth of
③  worthy
④  worthwhile
【单选题】 7. They hope to_________the source of the infection.
①  track down
②  look down
③  look at
④  back down
【单选题】 1.The movie star ______ with your sister, didn’t he?
①  was used to dance
②  used to dancing
③  used to dance
④  was used to dancing
【单选题】 7.We had warned him________the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.
①  to
②  along
③  in
④  of