单刃镗刀的刚性差,切削时易引起振动,所以主偏角选得较大,以减小径向力Fp,该说法( )
【单选题】 在车削细长轴时,为了减小工件的变形和振动,故采用较大()的车刀进行切削,以减小径向切削分力。
①  主偏角
②  副偏角
③  后角
④  副偏角和后角
【单选题】 在车削细长轴时,为了减小工件的变形和振动,故采用较大 的车刀进行切削,以减小径向切削分力。()
①  主偏角
②  副偏角
③  后角
④  副偏角和后角
【单选题】 镗削用刀具——镗刀,可分为单刃镗刀、双刃镗刀和多刃镗刀,该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 切削中,对切削力影响较小的是前角和主偏角。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 复合镗刀的切削速度按小直径镗刀所需选择。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )实际上是将类似车刀的刀头装夹在镗刀杆上组成镗杆镗刀。
①  双刃镗刀
②  单刃镗刀
③  多刃镗刀
【判断题】 工件上切削刃正在切削的表面称为已加工表面,该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 通过主切削刃上选定点,与主切削刃相切,并垂直于工作基面的平面。是指( )
①  基面Pr
②  切削平面Ps
③  工作切削平面Pse
【判断题】 铣削和拉削时,由于切削力稳定,故不会引起强迫振动。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 由主切削刃直接切成的表面叫( )。
①  切削平面
②  切削表面
③  已加工面
④  待加工面
【单选题】 7.We could see he felt ______ as he pointed and laughed at them.
①  inferior
②  . stupid
③  superior
④  advanced
【单选题】 21.Did you hear_____ noise just now?
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 27. I know the meeting will be on ______ Sunday in June, but I don’t know the exact date yet.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  each
【单选题】 22. ______ Renaissance was the period of the revival of classical art and literature in the 14th to 16th centuries.
①  The
②  a
③  /
④  . one
【单选题】 10.A discount will be offered to _____ customers to the store.
①  usual
②  ordinary
③  regular
④  old
【单选题】 17. Realizing the immense international pressure, the President_____ stepped down.
①  conspicuously
②  gracefully
③  lonely
④  . truly
【单选题】 2. Whenever I called in on Paul, he _______ on the phone.
①  talked
②  is talking
③  was talking
④  will talk
【单选题】 3. He ______ hard until I told him to sit down and have a break.
①  was working
②  had been working
③  worked
④  has worked
【单选题】 19. He tried to _____ from his memory what he knew of his former neighbor..
①  think of
②  remember
③  summon
④  gave way
【单选题】 14. Mary is _______ to what others think of her.
①  sensitive
②  sensational
③  sensory
④  sensible