【判断题】 应用空间的拓展加速了释放人工智能的市场潜能。。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ()人工智能创新应用先导区要面向制造、医疗、交通、金融等先行领域,建成一批新一代人工智能产业创新应用“试验场”,不断释放人工智能新技术、新产品的“赋能”效应。
①  重庆
②  北京
③  上海
④  杭州
【单选题】 从人工智能细分行业来看,围绕()的行业应用将不断加速,成为人工智能产业发展的主要方向。
①  图像处理
②  智能语音
③  搜索服务
④  数据服务
【单选题】 从人工智能细分行业来看,围绕()的行业应用将不断加速,成为人工智能产业发展的主要方向。。
①  图像处理
②  智能语音
③  搜索服务
④  数据服务
【单选题】 人工智能产业链条主要包括:基础技术支撑、( )、人工智能应用。
①  互联网应用
②  人工智能技术
③  智能平台建设
【判断题】 人工智能的加速芯片属于产业上游。
【多选题】 量子计算加速人工智能的好处包括()。
①  A.处理速度快
②  B.所需数据量更小
③  C.处理能力强
④  D.量子系统更易模拟神经网络
【多选题】 人工智能应用一定要深挖应用场景痛点需求,千万别把人工智能产业做成玩具产业转型升级版。人工智能应用场景选择应该考虑()几个方面。。
①  人工智能对产品和服务升级有无实质性的帮助
②  人工智能的研发成本
③  人工智能应用后的投入和产出比
④  人工智能应用后可能引发的各种风险
⑤  人工智能应用是否会触犯现有的法律法规和规章制度
【多选题】 人工智能应用的成果包括(  )。
①  提升风险
②  降低人工成本
③  提升服务效率
④  提升客户体验
【单选题】 ()组织实施了国家人工智能创新应用先导区。。
①  国务院
②  工信部
③  科技部
④  信息部
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I
【单选题】 The trade unions in this industry are ____ any reduction in wages.
①  objecting against
②  opposed to
③  reacted to
④  resisting against
【单选题】 Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour ____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
①  which
②  who
③  where
④  how to
【单选题】 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.
①  must study
②  should have studied
③  must have studied
④  is sure to study
【单选题】 This is the hotel _______last month.
①  which they stayed
②  at that they stayed
③  where they stayed at
④  where they stayed
【单选题】 He doesn’ t spend much time____ his homework.
①  in
②  do
③  on
④  to do
【单选题】 People’s status in society is frequently ____ by how much they own.
①  measured
②  examined
③  tested
④  questioned
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 It’s no good ____ him. He is always indifferent towards others’ matters.
①  to turn to
②  turning to
③  turn to
④  turned to
【单选题】 The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走)quietly to the bird. _____ into the forest when he was about to catch it.
①  Flew it away
②  Away flew it
③  Away it flew
④  Flew away it