There are ________ people in front of the cinema gate so we have to wait ________ time to get into the cinema.
too much; much too
too many; too much
much too; too much
too much; too many
【单选题】 The greatest tragedy in life is not to lose too much,but care about too much,_________ is an important reason people are not happy.
①  who
②  that
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 If you drink too much, your health will get even ____.
①  bad
②  poor
③  worse
④  not well
【单选题】 Nobody is ______, so try not to worry too much about that.
①  full
②  entire
③  perfect
④  complete
【多选题】 Too much noise may_____________ mental problems.
①  thank to
②  due to
③  lead to
④  result in
【单选题】 — Did you visit the museum last week?—No, we________, but we spent too much time shopping.
①  could have
②  could
③  must have
④  must
【单选题】 Not only I but also James and Lucy_______afraid of having too much pressure.
①  is
②  are
③  be
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 The gate is too____ for a car; we’ll have to walk through. ?
①  shallow ?
②  loose ?
③  broad ?
④  narrow?
【单选题】 Some words are hard to____ because they have too many different uses.
①  express
②  explain
③  define
④  describe
【判断题】 A: Have a wonderful time. B: You, too.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 安静时细胞膜内K+向膜外移动是通过
①  单纯扩散.
②  经通道易化扩散
③  出胞
④  经载体易化扩散
⑤  入胞
【单选题】 在肾小管中对水通透,而对Na+相对不通透的部位是
①  近曲小管
②  髓袢降支细段
③  髓袢升支
④  内髓集合管
⑤  远曲小管和集合管
【单选题】 激素的含量甚微,但其作用显著,是由于激素的
①  具有允许作用
②  特异性强
③  作用于靶细胞
④  半衰期长
⑤  生物放大效能
【单选题】 突触前膜受体的作用是:
①  促进突触小泡向前膜移动
②  引起前膜外Ca2+内流
③  促进递质的贮存
④  促进前膜对递质的重摄取
⑤  调节神经末梢的递质释放
【单选题】 血管损伤后止血栓能正确定位于损伤部位有赖于血小板的哪项特性
①  粘附
②  聚集
③  收缩
④  吸附
⑤  释放
【单选题】 神经纤维中相邻两个锋电位的时间间隔至少应大于其
①  相对不应期
②  绝对不应期
③  超常期
④  低常期
⑤  相对不应期和绝对不应期之和
【单选题】 肺通气量和肺泡通气量之差等于
①  无效腔气量×呼吸频率
②  潮气量×呼吸频率
③  残气量×呼吸频率
④  功能残气量×呼吸频率
⑤  肺活量×呼吸频率
【单选题】 胃肠平滑肌的节律性收缩频率主要决定于:
①  动作电位的幅度
②  动作电位的频率
③  基本电节律的幅度
④  基本电节律的频率
⑤  平滑肌本身的节律
【单选题】 肠上皮细胞由肠腔吸收葡萄糖是通过
①  原发性主动转运.
②  继发性主动转运
③  易化扩散
④  单纯扩散
⑤  入胞
【单选题】 组织液的生成与回流,主要取决于
①  有效滤过压
②  毛细血管血压
③  组织液静水压
④  血浆胶体渗透压
⑤  血浆晶体渗透压