【单选题】 鲜蛋的卫生问题主要是( )污染和微生物引起的腐败变质。
①  副溶血性弧菌
②  大肠杆菌
③  沙门氏菌
④  葡萄球菌
【判断题】 食品腐败变质与微生物有关,与温度无关。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 农药按成分结构分类:无机农药、植物性农药、微生物农药、有机合成农药
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 由于蔬果含有大量的营养物质,可被微生物利用,导致蔬果的腐败变质。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 酱油主要的卫生问题是微生物的污染。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 腹股沟斜疝发生嵌顿的最主要原因是
①  疝环小,疝内容物有粘连
②  疝环小,腹内压骤然增高
③  疝环大,疝内容物脱出过多
④  腹壁肌紧张内环收缩
⑤  腹壁肌紧张外环收缩
【多选题】 下列属于流通加工不合理的表现的是( )
①  地点设置不合理
②  方式选择不当
③  加工内容过于简单
④  加工成本过高
【判断题】 没有不好的食物,只有不合理的膳食,关键在于平衡。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国农业生态污染的主要原因是:
①  化肥农药的大量使用
②  过度放牧
③  砍伐森林
④  过度捕捞
【单选题】 加工铸铁时,产生表面粗糙度主要原因是残留面积和()等因素引起的。
①  塑性变形
②  塑性变形和积屑瘤
③  积屑瘤
④  切屑崩碎
【单选题】 5. -What is a writing brush, do you know? -It’s _______ writing and drawing.
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 11. -Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008? -I don’t think so. Now ______ the young ______ the old can speak some English.
①  either…or
②  not only… but also
③  neither…nor
④  both…or
【单选题】 8. Hong Kong is ______ the south of China, and Macao is ______ the west of Hong Kong.
①  in;to
②  to; to
③  to; in
④  in; in
【单选题】 20. ______ you can’t answer this question, we have to ask someone else for help.
①  Although
②  While
③  Whether
④  Since
【单选题】 4. Jack has studied Chinese in this school _______ the year of 2000.
①  since
②  in
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 2. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______ her
①  beside
②  about
③  except
④  with
【单选题】 14. I won’t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words ______ I have tested him myself.
①  after
②  when
③  if
④  until
【单选题】 1. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _______ 5 o’clock ______ the morning.
①  on; in
②  at; in
③  on
④  on
【单选题】 18. The mountain was ______ steep _____ few people in our city reached the top.
①  so…as
②  so…that
③  as…as
④  too…to
【单选题】 18. He ______ listen to pop music, but now he ______dancing.
①  is used to; used to
②  used to; is used to
③  used to; is used for
④  is used for; used to