人工智能人才培养的几个建议:科学建设( )。
【单选题】 教育部:“将深入论证人工智能学科内涵,推进( )建设,并尽快提出增加人工智能领域研究生招生指标的方案,科学合理、稳步有序地扩大才培养规模”。
①  A.大数据领域一级学科
②  B.人工智能领域一级学科
③  C.互联网领域一级学科
【单选题】 人工智能产业链条主要包括:基础技术支撑、( )、人工智能应用。
①  互联网应用
②  人工智能技术
③  智能平台建设
【判断题】 加强人工智能标准框架体系研究,逐步建立并完善人工智能普遍创新。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 培养和集聚人工智能高端人才,要根据人工智能发展规律和趋势,加强( )。
①  A.顶层设计
②  B.综合施策
③  C.提高贷款
【多选题】 从人工智能的发展方向来看,人工智能的分类包括()。。
①  弱人工智能
②  强人工智能
③  超强人工智能
④  高人工智能
⑤  低人工智能
【多选题】 人工智能类型划分为()。。
①  弱人工智能
②  半人工智能
③  强人工智能
④  人工智能辅助
⑤  超级人工智能
【判断题】 弱人工智能就是智能程度较弱的人工智能。。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 人工智能核心技术的研究重点可能将从深度学习转为(),即推动弱人工智能向强人工智能不断迈进。。
①  认知计算
②  感知计算
③  数据计算
④  模拟计算
【单选题】 人工智能核心技术的研究重点可能将从深度学习转为( ),即推动弱人工智能向强人工智能不断迈进。
①  数据计算
②  模拟计算
③  认知计算
④  感知计算
【单选题】 人工智能核心技术的研究重点可能将从( )转为认知计算,即推动弱人工智能向强人工智能不断迈进。
①  算法操作
②  深度学习
③  P算法
④  编程运算
【单选题】 If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ____ with him first.
①  admission
②  agreement
③  appointment
④  argument
【单选题】 Idlikearoom ____ windowslookoutoverthesea.
①  that
②  which
③  what
④  whose
【单选题】 I noticed her ____ a pen from the ground.
①  to pick out
②  to pick up
③  pick out
④  pick up
【单选题】 The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
①  by comparison
②  in retrospect
③  at first sight
④  at times
【单选题】 Hed had more than enough practice to become a(n ) ____.
①  special
②  skill
③  profession
④  expert
【单选题】 It was clear that much of what he said was far ____ the truth.
①  for
②  from
③  at
④  to
【单选题】 She is studying medical science now, but she ____ a lawyer.
①  would be
②  used to be
③  formerly were
④  had been
【单选题】 I wonder what he does for a ____.
①  life
②  live
③  liveing
④  living
【单选题】 ____ it was finished in time.?
①  As the work was difficult ?
②  Difficult as the work was?
③  Difficult as was the work ?
④  As was the work difficult?
【单选题】 When we came back, he found his bicycle ____
①  was stolen
②  had stolen
③  had been stolen
④  is stolen