Drop me [填空] at school, please.
【单选题】 A: Bring me the bill, please. B: [填空].
①  You are welcome
②  Ill hurry up
③  Please wait for a moment, sir
④  Be quick
【单选题】 A: Please remember me to your parents. B: [填空].
①  They remember seeing you once
②  I am afraid they have poor memories
③  You can contact them directly
④  Thanks a lot. I will
【单选题】 Can you turn down the radio, please?
①  Oh, I know
②  I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud
③  I’ll keep it down next time
④  Please forgive me
【单选题】 A: I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. B: [填空].
①  You are wrong
②  You are welcome
③  Thats all right
④  Thats OK
【单选题】 Please get me a new [填空] when you go back home.
①  clothes
②  dress
③  clothing
④  trousers
【单选题】 - Excuse me, is this the right direction for the school?
①  Well, no, you’re going in the wrong direction
②  No, don’t ask me
③  No, I don’t know
④  Don’t go this way
【单选题】 Please drop in whenever you can.. I’d like to keep _________ touch..
①  in
②  to
③  on
④  with
【单选题】 Look out ! That tree _______ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【单选题】 Look out! That tree ___ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【单选题】 Look out ! That tree_______ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【判断题】 在宴会口译场合,译员只要埋头翻译就好,可以不去关心是否冷场或者双方交流是否顺利。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 关键词和逻辑关系是判断信息的主次程度的依据。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 口译过程最好是一字不落的翻译,所以是否会提炼主旨不重要。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 提炼主旨需要对文本内容的主次程度进行分析,区分信息的层次。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “exporters of energy的正确译文是?
①  A 能源进口国
②  B 能源出口国
③  C 能源供应商
【单选题】 “fossil fuel的正确译文是?
①  A 可再生能源
②  B 化石能源
③  C 核能
【单选题】 “importers of energy的正确译文是?
①  A 能源进口国
②  B 能源出口国
③  C 能源供应商
【单选题】 energy innovation的正确译文是?
①  A.精神焕发
②  B.能源创新
③  C.能量更新
【单选题】 “carbon abatement的正确译文是?
①  A 碳减排
②  B 二氧化碳排放
③  C 石油峰值
【单选题】 “emerging economies的正确译文是?
①  A 新兴经济体
②  B 经济发展
③  C 新兴产业