When you do exercises, your heart works better. It is able to____ more blood while beating more slowly.
【单选题】 You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to ( ) with friends or do whatever they want.
①  hang out
②  hang up
③  hang on
④  hang in
【单选题】 Did the medicine make you feel better?No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
①  medicine I take; and the worse
②  medicine I take; the worse
③  I take medicine; the worse
④  I take medicine; worse
【判断题】 When you are asked Whats your name?, its more polite to respond with a whole sentence My name is... than only telling a name.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 When you read about your destination, you will learn more about the world and get ideas for places to visit and things to see. By ( ) prices and offers , you can also make your travel budget last longer.
①  compare
②  compatible
③  comparable
④  comparing
【单选题】 25.If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he ______ able to advise you much better than I can.
①  will be
②  was
③  would be
④  were
【多选题】 _____________ , computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better.
①  In time
②  In fact
③  Actually
④  As a matter of fact
【单选题】 ____, the more you are aware of content and meaning.
①  The more words you are familiar to
②  The more words you are familiar with
③  You are familiar to more words
④  You are familiar with more words
【单选题】 You can_________ yourself to remember better.
①  train
②  test
③  try
④  think
【单选题】 The more people you know, ___________ knowledge you get.
①  the much
②  the more
③  more
④  much
【单选题】 20._____your poor record at school, we think you should study more.
①  In view of
②  For view of
③  From view of
④  Within view of
【单选题】 在客户金字塔模型中,公司最有价值的客户是( )。
①  10%构成最高层的客户
②  20%构成最高层的客户
③  30%构成最高层的客户
④  40%构成最高层的客户
【判断题】 20世纪80年代以来,客户忠诚已经成为理论界和公司界共同关注的焦点,被视为竞争优势的新来源。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在客户金字塔模型中,白金层描述了公司最有价值的客户。他们对于价格不是过度敏感,愿意购买和尝试新产品或服务,是公司的忠实客户。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 利用EV=CB+AV×P公式计算的结果,最前面的80%的客户为B类客户,也就是公司的重点客户,需要重点管理。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 在关系营销是实施过程中,控制的内容主要有( )。
①  营销渠道控制
②  营销人员控制
③  营销成本控制
④  营销风险控制
⑤  营销机构控制
【多选题】 在关系营销的实施过程中,公司业务流程再造应遵循的原则是( )。
①  围绕客户需求
②  体现整体服务思路
③  重视客户参与
④  关注客户需求和内部运营效率
⑤  领导重视
【单选题】 在客户金字塔模型中,公司最有价值的、忠实的客户是( )。
①  白金层
②  黄金层
③  铁层
④  铅层
【单选题】 实施关系营销的第一步、完善关系营销理念的必要手段是指( )。
①  构建核心竞争力
②  实施服务外包策略
③  进行业务流程再造
④  实施客户关系管理
【单选题】 在客户资产四分图中,忠诚度和盈利性都很高的是( )。
①  D类客户
②  C类客户
③  B类客户
④  A类客户
【单选题】 利用EV=CB+AV×P公式,营销人员就可以将全部客户的预期价值计算出来,然后将他们从高到低排队。其中,A类客户是( )。
①  最前面15%的客户
②  中间的20%的客户
③  最前面20%的客户
④  最后面65%的客户