Mr. John was busy, ____ he could not come.
【单选题】 ____ was evident that Mr. Wang had come back to Shanghai.
①  This
②  He
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 He asked John ______ he could swim.
①  that
②  if
③  how
④  how many
【单选题】 If he ___ tomorrow, he would find Mr. Wang in the office.
①  comes
②  will come
③  should come
④  come
【单选题】 Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan?
①  Yes, Dr Chock
②  I think so, either
③  Yes, I hope not
④  No, I have no idea
【单选题】 Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a ____ if approached with enthusiasm.
①  prize
②  reward
③  refund
④  bonus
【单选题】 A: This is Mr. Bill and this is Mr. Paul. B: [填空]
①  How do you do?
②  How are you?
③  Fine,thank you.
④  Hi,how are you getting on?
【单选题】 Thanks to Mr. Wang, he kept____ us to remember the important things.?
①  to ask ?
②  asking ?
③  to be asked ?
④  not asking?
【单选题】 When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
①  take over
②  hand over
③  think over
④  get over
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He ________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he ________ back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He _______ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【判断题】 生产厂家制造生产的装配式活动房屋必须有设计构造图、计算书、安装拆卸使用说明书等并符合有关节能、安全技术标准。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 泛水要具有足够的高度,一般不小于100mm。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 浇筑过程应有专人对高大模板支撑系统进行观测,发现有松动、变形等情况,必须立即采取加固措施。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 地基基础工程专业承包三级企业可以承揽高度45m的医院门诊楼的地基基础工程施工。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 等电位联结是防止触电的一项安全措施。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 建筑企业负责人带班检查时,应认真做好检查记录。 ()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 安全应急预案评审应当形成书面纪要并附有专家名单。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 φ8@200通常为梁内受力筋和架立筋的尺寸标注形式。 ()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 安全生产保证体系,其内容包含组织结构、程序、过程三个部分是完整的。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 安全防护、文明施工措施费应当确保专款专用,并按规定发放劳动保护用品,更换已损坏或已到使用期限的劳动保护用品。
①  正确
②  错误